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12 Month BusinessofYOU™ Executive Leadership Development Apprenticeship

If you are looking for an extremely deep transformation within yourself this experience is for you.  During your apprenticeship I will learn a great deal about your professional and personal life and you will learn a great deal about mine.  


Nothing is off the table: money, relationships, faith, health, parenting, procrastination, addiction, abuse, trauma, you name it.  If it needs attention, we will address it.   


Your apprenticeship is a 12 month commitment, which enables us to leave no stone unturned.  As my apprentice, you will truly get an inside look at my approach to life so that you too can continue to evolve and grow.  As you learn and grow along with me, you, your family, clients, colleagues, employees and anyone else in your world will reap the benefits.  Right down to the grocery clerk at the store you shop at.  

This program is not for the faint of heart.  It requires a very deep level of commitment.  Your coaching apprenticeship with me requires more time and money than my other offerings.  You must truly be ready to create the life and business you want and to commit and invest in your future.

When highly committed, you will see a significant positive return on your investment as well as a deep personal transformation.

What You Receive...

Executive Pen
  • Direct coaching, mentoring & accountability

  • 12 months consists of 78 hours of 1:1 coaching.  These are 90 minute sessions every week for a year.  

  • BusinessofYOU™ Fieldwork materials and exercises 

  • BusinessofYOU™ Foundations Course

  • Eligible to participate in any courses and groups at no extra charge

  • Eligible for an "Apprenticeship" rate for any retreats that are held

  • Optional review of draft correspondence to senior management, employees, clients, etc. for feedback and critique 

  • Option to meet daily for a quick support/check in Mon. - Fri. This helps you to stay on track and it also provides the opportunity for us to celebrate the wins that you will have. This daily touchpoint can be accessed via email, Delenta messaging or a 15 min. phone call. This is strongly recommended as clients who take advantage of this move forward faster.

By joining me as my apprentice, you will embark upon the most genuine, incredible growth journey of your life which you will never regret.  You will not be the same person in 12 months time.  You will receive way more value from your apprenticeship than you pay and much of it will be measurable ROI.  If this sounds like something you are ready for, let's have a conversation.​

Compass Pointing North

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